The Team

As diverse as the brows we service, our team is an inclusive group of expert, credentialed brow artists dedicated to ensuring your outer beauty matches your inner beauty.

Damn right your brows look bangin!  Our artists are passionate about their craft and take great pride in their dedication to fine detail. From the moment they join Bangin Brows + Skin, our artists continue ongoing, unparalleled training to ensure we are on the cusp of every arching trend. Up-to-date on the who, what, and wow of brows, our artists guide you to what’s best for your face. You can trust we won’t pull you in the wrong direction because we understand how important brows are to your whole look… and we promise there’s not a single hair in your brow we will pluck up.

The Date

From the time you arrive at our salon to the time you condition your brows at home, we curate a uniquely personal relationship with your brows. Most brow mishaps occur during the consultation. To prevent a bad first date, we take extra care to make a good first impression. We empower you to make your brow dreams come true by ensuring each and every visit includes a personalized consultation.

We’re not into blind dates: our artists use high-tech photo captures to map your brows to find the exact match to accentuate your natural beauty. Each date and treatment is then documented to create your unique brow history. Think of it like a dating profile – this history ensures artists can track your shape progress and gives you the peace of mind that every artist knows you before you sit in our chairs.

Like any good date, it takes two to tango and our artists rely on your direction to achieve your #browgoals. The journey doesn’t end when you walk out the door. Artists provide recommendations and at-home treatments to ensure your brows stay bangin’ and beautiful – just like you!

Ready to swipe right? Pencil in an appointment.

All Up in Your Business

Empowerment is crucial to our business model. From our customers to our community, we want everyone to leave confident with the permission to be their full beautiful self. As a women-owned business, women’s career empowerment is our driving force. We feature local women-owned businesses in our salon every month.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Girl, we’d love to help make your business bangin’! Reach out with subject line “Local Female Business Feature.”

“elevating our community one brow and business at a time”